Norsun AS
Organisation Introduction
NorSun is a Norwegian solar energy company that manufactures and markets high performance mono-crystalline silicon ingots and wafers for the global solar energy industry. Dedicated to high efficiency n-type wafers and sustainable production with low CO2 emissions, we are an established supplier to tier-one cell manufacturers. NorSun operates a modern production facility located in Årdal in western Norway, pursuing a detailed and aggressive technology development and cost road map which ensures a competitive price model. The NorSun plant is powered by low cost renewable hydropower, enabling very low emissions from production.
The PV industry is evolving rapidly, increasing cell efficiency and reducing costs. On the monocrystalline ingot and wafer side of the value chain there has been a continuous development to larger size and thinner wafers. Currently odd-format wafers are also being tested. The dominant wafer sizes in the industry today are M10 and G12, coming from ingots of 252 mm or 302 mm, respectively. The current wafer thickness is 130 μm for n-type M10 wafers, cut with 33 μm diamond core wire. Chinese companies are testing the production of wafers less than 100 μm thick. NorSun must keep abreast of the market trend.
The Pilatus project is attractive for NorSun because it connects major actors in the European PV value chain, both industry and R&D centers.
What in PILATUS?
In the Pilatus project, NorSun will be responsible for the development of a M10 ingot and wafer pilot line. 252 mm diameter ingots will be produced. Ingots will be cropped, squared and wafered into thin M10 wafers. Baseline production parameters will be established throughout the M10 ingot, shaping and wafering process. NorSun will supply wafers to Meyer Burger for production of tunnel IBC solar cells and modules.

“The PILATUS project provides NorSun the opportunity to make the next stage developments in production technology while simultaneously developing closer alliances with leading PV industry and research institutes in Europe.“