Eurac Research
Organisation Introduction
Our research addresses the greatest challenges of the future: keeping societies healthy, fostering intact environments, promoting sustainable energy and developing well-functioning political and social systems. Seeking answers through interaction between a variety of disciplines, we develop concrete solutions for regional problems which can then be applied globally. We continually strive to open new paths with science and innovation, by responding to society’s complex questions with answers geared to the needs of people.
In PILATUS, we will work together with a great consortium to study in great detail the manufacturing of novel, high quality PV technology. Eurac Research’s Institute for Renewable Energy, and specifically the PV Energy Systems Group, has much experience with determining the quality, reliability and performance of PV technologies both in the lab and using outdoor test facilities. The aim of our group is to contribute to the installation of many gigawatts of PV, and to perform research that ensures that these gigawatts reliably generate terawatt-hours of electricity. In PILATUS, Eurac research gets the chance to analyse quality and reliability data from the whole manufacturing value chain, from silicon to solar cells to PV modules, and relate these data to quality and reliability results obtained in the lab and field. Furthermore, Eurac Research can perform research that demonstrates the bankability and sustainability of high quality, EU manufactured PV technology.
What in PILATUS?
In PILATUS, Eurac Research will develop indoor and outdoor testing protocols for the develop SHJ tunnel-IBC technology. Using these protocols and together with several of the project partners, Eurac will perform indoor and outdoor characterization and performance monitoring of SHJ tunnel-IBC PV modules produced in the PILATUS module pilot line. Results from these activities will subsequently be used by Eurac Research to perform lifetime energy yield modelling. In addition, Eurac will contribute to activities related to the economic and sustainability assessments of the developed technology.

“The PILATUS-project will allow Eurac to demonstrate the quality, performance, bankability and sustainability of high-quality, high-effiency and EU made PV technology.”