Linked Projects

Cluster of projects


Linked projects


Triple junction solar modules based on perovskites and silicon for high performance, low-cost and small environmental footprint

Project information

TRIUMPH is aimed at developing the next generation PV technology to come after tandems, i.e., an advanced triple junction cell concept. The devices will be based on the cost-effective and highly-efficient perovskites for the middle and top cells and the robust and well-proven silicon for the bottom cell. The 4 objectives of TRIUMPH are:

  1. Achieving highly-efficient triple junctions >33% with high stability on 1 cm2 area
  2. Demonstrating a cost-effective and scalable route for triple junctions on large-area (≥100 cm2) with minimal upscaling losses (efficiency >90%rel to small-area devices) with 3J modules passing accelerated reliability testing.
  3. Designing triple junction cells and modules for sustainability by reducing CRMs such as In and Ag, and by introducing circular concepts that allow easy recycling at end-of-life of the 3J modules.
  4. Establishing the value chain within EU for future multi-junction modules.

The project consortium, coordinated by IMEC in Belgium, consists of 15 complementary partners from renowned research institutions, illustrious universities as well as strong industrial players from across the value chain.


PEPPERONI is a four-year Research and Innovation project co-funded by the European Union and supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation. Launched on 1 November 2022, PEPPERONI is set to propel perovskite/silicon tandem photovoltaics (PV) technology towards market introduction and large-scale manufacturing. The project, coordinated jointly by Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (DE) and Qcells (DE) identifies and addresses the barriers to tandem solar technology’s market introduction, and ultimately will lay the foundations for fast implementation of new production capacity in Europe as a cost-effective and resource-efficient solution to decarbonise the energy system. A pilot line enabling this development will be established in Thalheim, Germany. Bringing together a consortium of 17 partners from 12 European countries, PEPPERONI integrates expertise across the entire solar technology value chain—from fundamental research and small-scale testing to high-throughput industrial production.


The IBC4EU project aims to develop cost-effective and sustainable bifacial interdigitated back contact (IBC) solar cell and module technology at a pilot line level. By leveraging business cases across the entire value chain, the project will demonstrate IBC technology as a leading option for large-scale PV production in the EU. The focus will be on making IBC technology cost-competitive with both future and current solar technologies, such as HJT, TOPCon, and PERC. The project will innovate by developing new production equipment, optimizing existing processes, and integrating Industry 4.0 solutions for enhanced maintenance and quality control. The IBC4EU project also prioritizes eco-design to minimize the use of scarce materials and reduce environmental impact, ultimately supporting the EU’s transition to sustainable energy. The project will last 36 months, with the goal of achieving GW-scale production by 2030.


NEXUS is a 3-year research and innovation project funded by the European Commission through HORIZON EUROPE Research and Innovation Actions.

NEXUS’s aim is to develop stable, 2-terminal perovskite-Si tandem solar cells with power conversion efficiencies above 33% (and modules > 30%) following an innovative eco-design approach: employing solvent-free perovskite deposition, abundant and optimized use of materials, circularity, recyclability, improved and simple manufacturing processes, to create a viable economic pathway for the European commercialization of this sustainable technology.

The core of NEXUS is meeting its challenges with a competitive European PV product, by bringing together research and industry to develop new perovskite-Si tandem cells and demonstrate the possibility of industrial scale-up of these cells with proof-of-concept equipment.

Bringing together 12 partners from 9 countries in Europe, the project combines the expertise of top-level research and technology organisations with industry partners capable of looking at the whole value chain from innovation to market deployment and policies.

Building on demonstrated expertise, the project is a step towards a more clean, secure and affordable EU energy supply.


VALHALLA is a 3-year research and innovation project funded by the European Commission through HORIZON EUROPE Research and Innovation Actions.

VALHALLA will develop perovskite solar cells and modules with power conversion efficiencies above 26 % (modules > 23 %) and extrapolated operational lifetime > 25 years, following an eco-design approach: employing harmful-solvent-free perovskite deposition, optimized use of materials, circularity, recyclability, scalable and low-cost manufacturing processes, to create a viable economic pathway for the European commercialization of this sustainable technology.

Project progress

© 2023 PILATUS

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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